
Lothar Kreyssig (1898–1986) was a judge of a court of guardianship at the District Court of Brandenburg. Acting as the legal representative of patients, the many transfers and deaths came to his attention as of 1940. He protested to the Reich Minister of Justice, pressed a criminal complaint against Philipp Bouhler and forbade the deportations of patients under his guardianship – all to no avail. Kreyssig himself was forced into retirement in 1942.

In 1940, Linz's chief prosecutor, Ferdinand Eypeltauer (1893–1979), received a notification from a family whose son had been murdered in the Hartheim killing centre. Eypeltauer initiated an investigation and wanted to interrogate, among others, Georg Renno. He was ordered to halt the proceedings in 1941. In the following war years, Eypeltauer was, however, also responsible for death sentences against forced labourers.

Image: Lothar Kreyssig, circa 1942
Lothar Kreyssig, circa 1942
© Archiv des Lothar-Kreyssig-Ökumenezentrums der EKM