Wilhelmine Haußner (1927 – 1942)

Wilhelmine Haussner, whose mental development lagged behind that of her peers after a brain inflammation, had lived in the nursing home of Schönbrunn since 1932. In 1941, she was admitted to the »children's wards for expert care« at the Eglfing-Haar institution, where she was murdered with a sedative on 7 November 1942.

Image: Wilhelmine Haussner (2nd from the left) with her mother and her brother and sisters, around 1929
Wilhelmine Haussner (2nd from the left) with her mother and her brother and sisters, around 1929
© Claudia Busch
Interview with Horst Haussner, Wihelmine Haussner´s brother, and Claudia Busch, Wilhelmine Haussner´s niece
© AG »Psychiatrie und Fürsorge im Nationalsozialismus in München«/NS-Dokumentationszentrum München/Benedikt Kuby Filmproduktion