
For informations to the sites please click on the pictures.

Image: Meseritz, Laying flowers at the memorial stone of 1966 on the 30th anniversary of Obrzyce Hospital, 1975
Meseritz, Laying flowers at the memorial stone of 1966 on the 30th anniversary of Obrzyce Hospital, 1975
© Samodzielny Publiczny Szpital dla Nerwowo i Psychicznie Chorych w Międzyrzeczu
Image: Poznań, Casemate 17 of Fort VII. It served as a gas chamber in 1939 (present condition).
Poznań, Casemate 17 of Fort VII. It served as a gas chamber in 1939 (present condition).
© Radomił Binek, Poznań
Image: Piaśnica, Burial site of the victims of the massacre in Piaśnica
Piaśnica, Burial site of the victims of the massacre in Piaśnica
© Jakub Raciborski