Anna Lehnkering (1915 – 1940)

Anna lehnkering was a sweet, mild-mannered child who found learning difficult. As someone with a »hereditary disease«, she was sterilised in 1935 and admitted to Bedburg-Hau hospital in 1936. Here, she was regarded as difficult and »incapable of work«. In 1940, she was asphyxiated by gas in the Grafeneck killing centre.

Image: Anna Lehnkering as a child, about 1918
Anna Lehnkering as a child, about 1918
© Sigrid Falkenstein
Image: Anna Lehnkering, about 1935
Anna Lehnkering, about 1935
© Sigrid Falkenstein
Image: Anna Lehnkering (l.) with a friend, about 1932
Anna Lehnkering (l.) with a friend, about 1932
© Sigrid Falkenstein
Image: Anna Lehkering (l.) with girls who were cared by by a protestant protectory in Sterkrade
Anna Lehkering (l.) with girls who were cared by by a protestant protectory in Sterkrade
© Sigrid Falkenstein